DD MALL是官方店铺网上商城,所有产品都是精选原装正品,购买支持7天无理由退换货服务。DD MALL以优质的品质赢得广大顾客的信赖,欢迎亲们对店铺的产品质量和服务提供监督和反馈。DD MALL主营分类:1 - New for pcs For Women LED 2 USB Fashion 5 V 3 Car Mini 12 4 mm Light Pcs \u0027 Hot Men 6 Set Black Case ; W \u0026 s to Baby Hair Nail Cable Power Steel pc , Adapter M Stainless Cover Holder Art Silicone Leather Plastic Charger Wireless LCD PCS Wall Bag Kids S Home x High set T Portable Soft White DIY Waterproof Color PC with Party Metal Long Camera Flower quot Pen Cute C Tool Battery Universal G Pair in Card Brush A Vintage Cake + Bike Dress Clip Winter Kit Lamp Box Kitchen cm Makeup Hand Travel Water Ring 8 iPhone Style Wedding amp Watch 30 Eye Girl Bicycle Body Girls Tools Gel Pc 7 Colors Quality * Jewelry Male Toy Summer Red Free Audio DC Wooden Head Up AC Warm Paper L Adjustable Bluetooth Shape Wholesale 2.0 Cotton Lace Glass Silver With X B Belt Outdoor Plug Storage Dog Casual Sticker Necklace Sexy Screen Micro Air Stand Ball Double women Port Ladies P and Lens Anti Auto Bottle Colorful Blue Sports Cat HDMI Children Mold inch lot Video Round Face F Cutter D UV Ear Magic Gold Pet Pin Strap Shoes Professional等等,祝您购物愉快!

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    主营范围:1 - New for pcs For Women LED 2 USB Fashion 5 V 3 Car Mini 12 4 mm Light Pcs \u0027 Hot Men 6 Set Black Case ; W \u0026 s to Baby Hair Nail Cable Power Steel pc , Adapter M Stainless Cover Holder Art Silicone Leather Plastic Charger Wireless LCD PCS Wall Bag Kids S Home x High set T Portable Soft White DIY Waterproof Color PC with Party Metal Long Camera Flower quot Pen Cute C Tool Battery Universal G Pair in Card Brush A Vintage Cake + Bike Dress Clip Winter Kit Lamp Box Kitchen cm Makeup Hand Travel Water Ring 8 iPhone Style Wedding amp Watch 30 Eye Girl Bicycle Body Girls Tools Gel Pc 7 Colors Quality * Jewelry Male Toy Summer Red Free Audio DC Wooden Head Up AC Warm Paper L Adjustable Bluetooth Shape Wholesale 2.0 Cotton Lace Glass Silver With X B Belt Outdoor Plug Storage Dog Casual Sticker Necklace Sexy Screen Micro Air Stand Ball Double women Port Ladies P and Lens Anti Auto Bottle Colorful Blue Sports Cat HDMI Children Mold inch lot Video Round Face F Cutter D UV Ear Magic Gold Pet Pin Strap Shoes Professional


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我是来自马来西亚的,货物都不错都满意~ 谢谢卖家的用心^^会回头支持的哦~继续努力^^

I thought it will be bigger....

貨品很輕巧, 希望耐用吧DD MALL是正品,质量很好,非常赞,物流也非常快!真给力。